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Thursday, 17 November 2016

How to start a blog? Create your own Mini Website

How to start a blog in 5 steps

1. Know why you want to start a blog
2. Decide what your blog will focus on
3. Choose a blogging platform
4. Your Internet Speed
5. Your Social Media Accounts

6.Sign in

Step 1: Know why you want to start a blog?

When you know your destination, getting your direction becomes easier, right?
People start blogs for different reasons. Today, blogging is a great way to:
Become a better person. Blogging helps you think clearer, communicate with intentionality and build your creative flair.Improve your writing. Writing proficiency comes with regular practice and starting a blog helps you write regularlyMake your voice heard. Gone are the days when only powerful politicians and wealthy businessmen could air their views. Now, you, too, can!Make a difference. You want to help people take control of their personal finance? Start your own blog. You wish people would exercise more, take healthier meals and rest better? Start a blog.Get published. The world is changing, and traditional publishers are falling into irrelevance. Smart authors now make a blog, build a loyal audience and publish their works. This approach works always.Make money. It takes time and commitment but people make real money from blogs. I’ve made Hundred of dollars myself from blogging. And many folks I’ve taught how to open a blog are doing fine too.
You can start a cool blog for any or all of the above purposes. Just use this simple guide, and you’ll see how easy it is.
Step 2: Decide what your blog will focus on

People start different classes of blogs.Travel blogs. Vegetarian blogs. Romance blogs. Writing blogs. Marketing blogs. Political blogs. Religion blogs. Fashion blogs. Photography blogs.Free and Easy Provided Games, Softwares with crack.I Choose it Because its my favourite field,i searched data and provide them all on my blog to new people who can't find them easily.but i slow down in this because of my study,Now i start it again.
So… what type of blog should you start?What will be the focus or theme of your blog? This theme is called a SIMPLE Clean –– and you should have one.
The best is to choose a Simple Clean you’re passionate about. Blogging is to be enjoyed. You know, there’s fulfillment in connecting with others and providing helpful information. You’ll experience this joy, and be able to do it for long, if you’re passionate about what you blog about.
When I finally launched my first blog, I found I was really passionate about writing and publishing. So I made that my niche and was able to connect with, learn from and impact many nice people. I even made money from it. I was fulfilled.

What are your hobbies?

What do you feel happy doing? What are you always excited to talk about to your friends?
Is it fashion, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership, food, traveling, relationship, movies or fiction? That’s probably what you should be blogging about. If you’re passionate about it, you can keep sharing useful information about it.
Create a blog today, and talk about what you love, what you know, and what you’re learning. It’s easy, and you CAN do it.

Step 3: Decide Which of the blogging platforms you’ll use

The question, “How do you start a blog?” has many alternative answers. You can do it on blogging platforms like:
Blogger: e.g. HaiderSafdar.blogspot.com

Step 4: Your Internet Speed

 In Pakistan, the big problem is your internet speed, because when you start blogging you will be dishard because of your slowinternet speed.So when you start your blog confirm that you have Good speed.Like 4 Mb or 2 Mb Ptcl Speed

 Step 5 :Your Social Media Accounts 

How your social media accounts effect on your blog?New blog wants attraction this attraction you give to your friends with a fb page by tagging them in your post.Twitter have also a good source.Gmail or Google account are also good with your puplic shares.

Step 6: Sign in
when you start to you blog you have a google account or gmail account how to create it?
open google and write gmail.com create your gmail account by name ,last name and your data then open www.blogger.com then create your account on it. Start blogging with my above hints.



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